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Hello - Is there anyone out there for me?  

Everyday we pass by people that we should know, not just who we know already.  What if you could find your tribe while simply being out and about.   

Find your Tribe.    Learn more about HELLO here

Most people live within a 3 mile, 3 driving minute radius.  But how many people do you truly know?  And of those how many do you connect with?  

Hello is a Lifestyle

We're working together with you to create tribes.  With HELLO our collective goal is for you to have some of the deepest, most memorable conversations of a lifetime.   We use our proprietary algorithms to match you to others that go way beyond surface level interests and common friends. 

Choose a silver metal band that is waterproof OR a sleek black modern band.


In addition to this lifestyle HELLO you can use  the HELLO app to turn on a number of services such as heart monintor, sleep monitor, steps, pulse and all the things we've come to expect from a wearable.   

BOGO - Buy one and give one to someone in need in your country or another.   


Only $99.99 plus FREE SHIPPING!  But hurry, our last batch sold out within 1 week!

And that's not all!  HELLO comes with a complimentary

  • Battery charger - a ful charge lasts about 7 days!
  • Signed collector box - the first 1,000 boxes are signed by HELLO's Chief Tribe Officer - Amanda Besemer 
  • Karma Vibes - For every one someone brilliant like you buys, we'll give one HELLO ring away to someone -- and you can decide where they live - in the US, in India, in Europe, in the rest of Asia, it's up to you! 


Did we mention the free shipping? 

Silver is waterproof.  The black is not.  

Learn more about HELLO here

Life is short, say don't over think it, and find your tribe today! 

Not sure of your size? 

Order now and we'll first send you a FREE RING SIZER.  Measure your ring and then email or text us your order number or email and ring size.  

Hello - Ring in Black or Silver (FREE SHIPPING)

$129.99 Regular Price
$99.99Sale Price
  • No refunds whatsoever.  Damaged goods can be returned within 14 business days so long as they ring does not show any intentional damange according to us. 

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